TXT The Trip by Bianca Sommerland (Goodreads Author) bookshop macbook book german without registering

TXT The Trip by Bianca Sommerland (Goodreads Author) bookshop macbook book german without registering

TXT The Trip by Bianca Sommerland (Goodreads Author) bookshop macbook book german without registering

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Book description
On the long trip back to Toronto from an art show in Detroit, Shawna’s bus makes an unexpected stop in the middle of nowhere. When the bus is evacuated, she ends up alone with a man who’s just as dark and dominant as the heroes in her favorite books. Her desires tempt her to let her guard down—to take a chance that he might be everything she needs—but how far is she willing to go? She’s afraid to find out . . . and even more afraid not to.Theme: BDSM, D/s, Erotica, Extreme KinkSpecial Content: Dubious Consent
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