TXT The Surrogate Assassin by Christopher Leppek txt ibooks iphone

TXT The Surrogate Assassin by Christopher Leppek txt ibooks iphone

TXT The Surrogate Assassin by Christopher Leppek txt ibooks iphone

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Book description
A very interesting theory re: the Lincoln Assassination, and while I dont buy it, the book was enjoyable nonetheless. It does have, at its heart, a family drama, and Leppek took the maiden name of Edwin & John Wilkes Booths mother, Mary Ann Holmes, to give Sherlock an added closeness to the case. It also provides an out for Leppeks Edwin Booth to be more forthcoming about the painful matter of his brother when, had Holmes been an outsider, he would have remained tight-lipped and uncooperative.There are elements that make it drift away from a novel and more of a didactic recounting of the assassination, and those parts of the book tend to sag with pages of Sherlockian monologues about assassination details and convenient knowledge about whatever dilemma is at hand. But then again, Doyles stories are full of such traits. In that respect, Leppeks book has a truly vintage feel to it.A quick, fun read, and its probably the only fiction I know of to have Edwin Booth as a main character, so that was a plus for me.
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