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I dont know how she does it.The she of course refers to Nielsen, author of Word Nerd, Dear George Clooney: Please Marry My Mom, and now The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen. Three consecutively published middle-grade/YA novels I have loved, each one beautifully written, with diverse narrators dealing with consequential subject matters. The Reluctant Journal...is a departure- of sorts- for Nielsen. It is, without a doubt, darker and more uncomfortable than her previous works. The novel deals with- among other topics- mental illness, bullying, suicide, death and grief.I will admit that I was nervous about reading this novel for a few reasons. One: regular readers may already know that I am a huge fan of Nielsens writing, so I had my expectations set really high! Two: I was worried that Henrys story would just be too sad to read (based on the description). I can answer my concerns. One: the novel was brilliant. And two: yes, the story broke my heart, smashed it to bits, but also filled it with joy. The plot is tight and surprising, the dialogue is pitch-perfect and Henrys narrative voice is unlike anything I have read.Through Henrys reluctant journal writing, we are taken into his present as well as the past involving IT- the accident and aftershocks that changed Henry and his family forever. Henrys narration is very much at the surface: hes very angry, deeply saddened and lost, and it comes across in his expressive and affecting entries. Henry and his parents are just trying to hold on, while attempting to forge a new life in Vancouver- where no one knows about IT. He never anticipates opening up to anyone- not to his wonderful new friend Farley, to his therapist, and especially not to two nosy and lonely neighbors. But before long, incidents at his school and changes in his home life force Henry to talk about Jesse and the IT that changed EVERYTHING.I highly, highly recommend this novel for all readers of contemporary YA and middle-grade fiction.
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