TXT The Red Sea by Edward W. Robertson (Goodreads Author) pc kickass read link text

TXT The Red Sea by Edward W. Robertson (Goodreads Author) pc kickass read link text

TXT The Red Sea by Edward W. Robertson (Goodreads Author) pc kickass read link text

> READ BOOK > The Red Sea

> ONLINE BOOK > The Red Sea


Book description

Book description
When Dante Galand was just a boy, his father Larsin sailed away to make his fortune. And never returned. Since then, Dante has become a great sorcerer. A ruler. A destroyer of kings. And hes just learned that his father is living on a forbidden island at the edge of the known world. Where hes dying of a mysterious plague. In the company of his friend, the swordsman Blays, Dante travels to the island. There, his magic can do nothing for his father. As Dante and Blays quest for a cure—beset by strange beasts, angry spirits, and violent coastal raiders known as the Tauren—Dante falls sick, too. To save his father and himself, hell have to rediscover the islands long-lost magic. But the hunt for its secrets leads Dante on a crash course with the Tauren—and island-wide civil war. And as hes away, an old threat begins to move against his homeland. Set in a USA Today-bestselling world, THE RED SEA is the first in a trilogy of warfare, sorcery, and friendship through the darkest times.
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