TXT The Posture of Meditation: A Practical Manual for Meditators of All Traditions by Will Johnson phone shop full version ipad download

TXT The Posture of Meditation: A Practical Manual for Meditators of All Traditions by Will Johnson phone shop full version ipad download

TXT The Posture of Meditation: A Practical Manual for Meditators of All Traditions by Will Johnson phone shop full version ipad

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Book description
When it comes to meditation practices, the body is as important as the mind—a fact that may come as a surprise to the many people who regard meditation as a strictly mental activity. But, as Will Johnson shows, the physical aspect of the practice is far too often underemphasized. The alert-yet-relaxed sitting posture that is the common denominator of so many meditative techniques is a wonderful aid for clearing the mind and opening the heart, but it also works to activate the natural healing energies of both body and mind. The author offers guidance and exercises for working with the posture of meditation and advice on how to carry its benefits on into all the rest of life.
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