TXT The Portrait of a Lady - Volume 1 by Henry James fb2 download free

TXT The Portrait of a Lady - Volume 1 by Henry James fb2 download free

TXT The Portrait of a Lady - Volume 1 by Henry James fb2 download free

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Book description
This is a free edition transcribed into Kindle format by volunteers. Ive heard a lot about Henry James and The Portrait of a Lady is considered a classic by many and the book has high ratings from Goodreads readers. So I thought Id give it a try.If a book has a preface I always read it first, hoping to gain some insight about the book. In this case, the preface was written by the author himself and I have to thank him for saving me from reading the book. I hate to abandon a book once Ive started it and I suspect if Id started this one Id have either gutted it out to the finish or given up after spending considerable time wading through the initial part.So why does James merit my thanks? Mainly for this sentence, written early in the preface, I had rooms on Riva Schiavoni, at the top of a house near the passage leading off to San Zaccaria; the waterside life, the wondrous lagoon spread before me, and the ceaseless human chatter of Venice came in at my windows, to which I seem to myself to have been constantly driven, in the fruitless fidget of composition, as if to see whether, out in the blue channel, the ship of some right suggestion, of some better phrase, of the next happy twist of my subject, the next true touch for my canvas, mightnt come into sight. A person who appreciates long sentences of this kind (with which the preface abounds) will probably appreciate the book. But to me such sentences fall like mud on my ears. I admit that phrases such as fruitless fidget of composition and ship of some right suggestion are quite wonderful. Had they been presented in lighter, more readable sentences (reminiscent of Willa Cather, for instance), Im sure I would have a more favorable impression of James prose. The preface lasts 32 pages and I slogged through maybe 10 or 15 of them before becoming thoroughly convinced that I would never survive all 649 pages of volume 1, let alone an additional 622 pages in volume 2.So, farewell to Henry James The Portrait of a Lady. Its probably my loss, but I suffer it gladly if the preface is any warning of how the book is written.
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