TXT The Overlords Heir by Michelle Howard (Goodreads Author) iBooks online how read via how to

TXT The Overlords Heir by Michelle Howard (Goodreads Author) iBooks online how read via how to

TXT The Overlords Heir by Michelle Howard (Goodreads Author) iBooks online how read via how to

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Book description
With his enemy defeated and order re-established, Vaan plans to enjoy his life with his Raasa mate. Mikayla’s upcoming birth makes his heart sing with joy. Mikayla prepares for the birth of her first youngling with her Overlord mate. This should be a happy time but Vaan must return to Kaban and reassure his people that he yet lives. There are still those not pleased at the turn of events with Thenl’s downfall and seek to destroy what the Overlord has built. Will Vaan and Mikayla finally be able to relax or will trouble continue to follow them?
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