TXT The Nun by Denis Diderot tom portable german direct link online

TXT The Nun by Denis Diderot tom portable german direct link online

TXT The Nun by Denis Diderot tom portable german direct link online

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Book description

Book description
Diderots The Nun (La Religieuse) is the seemingly true story of a young girl forced by her parents to enter a convent and take holy orders. A novel mingling mysticism, madness, sadistic cruelty and nascent sexuality, it gives a scathing insight into the effects of forced vocations and the unnatural life of the convent. A succГЁs de scandale at the end of the eighteenth century, it has attracted and unsettled readers ever since. For Diderots novel is not simply a story of a young girl with a bad habit; it is also a powerfully emblematic fable about oppression and intolerance.This new translation includes Diderots all-important prefatory material, which he placed, disconcertingly, at the end of the novel, and which turns what otherwise seems like an exercise in realism into what is now regarded as a masterpiece of proto-modernist fiction.
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