TXT The Long Struggle Against Malaria in Tropical Africa by James L.A. Webb Jr. author offline read ebook txt

TXT The Long Struggle Against Malaria in Tropical Africa by James L.A. Webb Jr. author offline read ebook txt

TXT The Long Struggle Against Malaria in Tropical Africa by James L.A. Webb Jr. author offline read ebook txt

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Book description
The Long Struggle Against Malaria in Tropical Africa investigates the changing entomological, parasitological, and medical understandings of vectors, parasites, and malarial disease that have shaped the programs of malaria control and altered the transmission of malarial infections. It examines the history of malaria control and eradication in the contexts of racial thought, population movements, demographic growth, economic change, urbanization, warfare, and politics. It will be useful for students of medicine and public health, for those who are involved with malaria research studies, and for those who work on the contemporary malaria control and elimination campaigns in tropical Africa.
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