TXT The Imaginary by A.F. Harrold touch amazon shop read torrent

TXT The Imaginary by A.F. Harrold touch amazon shop read torrent

TXT The Imaginary by A.F. Harrold touch amazon shop read torrent

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Book description
Rudger is Amanda’s best friend. He doesnt exist, but nobodys perfect.Only Amanda can see her imaginary friend – until the sinister Mr Bunting arrives at Amandas door. Mr Bunting hunts imaginaries. Rumour says that he eats them. And hes sniffed out Rudger. Soon Rudger is alone, and running for his imaginary life. But can a boy who isn’t there survive without a friend to dream him up?A brilliantly funny, scary and moving read from the unique imagination of A.F. Harrold, this beautiful book is astoundingly illustrated with integrated art and colour spreads by the award-winning Emily Gravett.
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