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TXT The Hostage by W.E.B. Griffin text how download book selling mp3

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I mentioned a while back that Close Combat was the first Griffin novel I had read; that turns out not to be the case. As I read through this one, I was bothered by a sense of déjà vu; I recognized many of the characters, knew their names, their relationships, the locale, etc., but not all—in fact, what bothered me most was thinking that I had read some of this book but not all of it, as there clearly were events that seemed completely new to me. The answer turned out to be that this book is a prequel to The Hunters, which I picked up as a pocketbook and read last winter while waiting for an entire new brake system to be put on my van, which is another story. This novel has the same characteristics that I have observed in other Griffin books: excessively repeated use of full names and titles for all characters, pivotal points being communicated to the characters in officialese cablegrams from Washington, and a mixture of real historical figures and characters larger than life (who like to drink Famous Grouse whisky) and are astonishingly successful with women. As I noticed with Close Combat and Behind the Lines, this prequel actually overlaps, with the ending events being retold in the sequel, but told differently. Unlike XX, who has an astonishingly annoying technique of continually repeating references to what happened in other parts of his series, Griffin’s technique is to simply retell enough of the story that the reader does not feel left out, because he gets enough of the background without being told that there is another book, other than the fact that both of these are called “A Presidential Agent Novel.” This one apparently was the second (and I have no idea from the cover blurb what the first novel was called, but there clearly was one), in which the President of the United States (unnamed, unlike Griffin’s Marines series) rewards Major Charley Castillo, who did such a good job in the preceding unknown novel that he is assigned to the Department of Homeland Security to perform a special investigation, to determine who kidnapped an American diplomat’s wife in Argentina and murdered her husband. As with other Griffin heroes, Charley is young but very much a can-do type of guy, who moves among different social circles with ease and manages to get people to do things, as he starts getting involved in the payoffs of the UN/Iraq oil-for-food scandal. Charley is also using the opportunity to try to become better acquainted with a former female cop who apparently was of some help in the previous novel, as well as furthering his acquaintance with a gun-running gangster who had loaned him a plane in the previous book and turns out to be living in Argentina with his family when not terrifying the rest of the world, as well as getting to know some interesting FBI agents and diplomats, along with a couple young marines ordered to help him. Fairly fast paced, with adventuresome but unbelievable characters; it makes a good read. If you like Clive Cussler’s books, you’ll probably like W.E.B. Griffin’s books.
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