TXT The Heart Sutra: An Oral Teaching by Sonam Rinchen find pc online reading story

TXT The Heart Sutra: An Oral Teaching by Sonam Rinchen find pc online reading story

TXT The Heart Sutra: An Oral Teaching by Sonam Rinchen find pc online reading story

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When I went to India to study Tibetan buddhism at in McLeod Ganj, Dharamsala, I had the good fortune to stumble onto the class for Westerners at the Tibetan Library and Archives. This class was taught by the late Geshe Sonam Rinchen and his translator, an Irish woman named Ruth. They had a wonderful dynamic, full of joy and humor, and I feel very lucky that I was able to be among his many students throughout the years. By the fact that it is very recently from a different culture, understanding buddhism, especially Tibetan buddhism can be fraught with misunderstanding. The culture, so radically different than our own, makes is to that there are certain dogmas and traditions in Tibetan buddhism that may seem strange or forced when translated into a Western European/American culture. Shamabala and Nalanda West are two organizations that are in the process of translating the religion to be more suited for our culture, but to me personally, it looses something in that translation. Im a traditionalist in many ways, despite the fact that as an American feminist, I disagree somewhat with the amount of paternalism in Tibetan Buddhism. The master-student relationship, so incredibly important in the religion, is a tricky one because the power balance is so off. Another difficulty that I feel comes up with the practice of Tibetan buddhism by Westerners is the tendency to romanticize unconditionally the culture and to venerate all the lamas and monks from that country without subjecting them to the rigorous analysis that one is supposed to subject all possible spiritual teachers to. I worry about this aspect of the religion I have adopted, but I still have adopted it, mostly because when you meet some of these guys--three that Ive met: Geshe Sonam Rinchen, the Dalai Lama, and Garchen Rinpoche--there is an undeniable feeling of humility, love and happiness that exudes from their person. Im sure that there are people like that in every religion, but Ive never been inclined towards monotheism, which limits my choices somewhat. The Heart Sutra is one of the most popular and important texts in buddhism for understanding emptiness, and it is both short, simple and profoundly complicated. Master teachers both, Geshe Sonam Rinchen and Ruth Sonam help break down each section of the sutra and explain in detail its origins and meaning. Emptiness according to much of buddhism is not nihilism or atheism as we understand it, and to truly grasp its nature takes a lifetime(s) of study and mediation. The process, however, is worth it, as the longer Ive meditated and investigated the nature of compassion, dependent-arising and emptiness, the calmer my mind has become and the happier I am as person. While Im sure that Im not practicing my adopted religion perfectly, and that there are most likely flaws in the organization as a whole, as people are by nature fallible, I believe this is the point of religion, no matter the form it takes. This is what Geshe Sonam Rinchen concludes this teaching with:While there are people who are studying the teachings of a particular religious tradition, thinking about them, integrating them through meditation and transforming themselves by making their minds more peaceful and benevolent, that religion is flourishing....The heath of a religion can be measured by the number of individuals committed it its practice and by the joy it kindles in the heart because of the benefit it brings...
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