TXT The Good Witch of the West, Volume 1 by Noriko Ogiwara fb2 sale tablet access online

TXT The Good Witch of the West, Volume 1 by Noriko Ogiwara fb2 sale tablet access online

TXT The Good Witch of the West, Volume 1 by Noriko Ogiwara fb2 sale tablet access online

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Book description
Fifteen-year-old Firiel lives in the remote highlands with her reclusive father. Country life is pleasant enough for Firiel--her fathers servants adore her, his apprentice Rune is a good friend, and shes about to attend her first ball! But as Firiel prepares for the gala, she discovers her past is more complicated than she had thought--and she may be the heir the throne! Unaware of the danger that faces her and those whom she loves, Firiel courageously quests for the truth. In this unique, evocative Cinderella story, heritage and destiny converge to change a young girls life forever!
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