TXT The Dukan Diet Recipe Book by Pierre Dukan free mp3 djvu pdf epub

TXT The Dukan Diet Recipe Book by Pierre Dukan free mp3 djvu pdf epub

TXT The Dukan Diet Recipe Book by Pierre Dukan free mp3 djvu pdf epub

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Book description
Pierre Dukan is a French medical doctor and nutritionist, and the creator of the famous Dukan Diet.In 1975, Pierre Dukan is a general practitioner in Paris when he was first confronted with a case of obesity. At the time, being overweight or obese was thought to be best treated by low calorie and small sized meals. Dukan thought of an alternative way to prevent patients from regaining their lost weight after dieting. He designed a new approach in four phases, including stabilisation and consolidation. After 20 odd years of research Pierre Dukan published his findings in 2000 in his book Je ne sais pas maigrir (I dont know how to get slimmer) which became a bestseller in France.The book became a bestseller in the UK after Carole Middleton introduced her daughter Catherine, now The Duchess of Cambridge, to the diet before her wedding to Prince William. Catherine lost two dress sizes.Dukan has published 19 books which have sold more than 11 million copies in 25 langages. Source: Wikipedia
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