TXT The Counter-Reformation by A.G. Dickens page ebook online torrent touch

TXT The Counter-Reformation by A.G. Dickens page ebook online torrent touch

TXT The Counter-Reformation by A.G. Dickens page ebook online torrent touch

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Book description
In hindsight it seems pretty obvious that A.G.Dickens The Counter Reformation would share a lot in common with his book The English Reformation. His tolerance and sympathetic interest for the people he is discussing is the same. We get a broadly similar picture of a Church at the beginning of the sixteenth century, if not quite so hollowed out due to the leadership being geared towards government service, but which was structurally weak in a Europe with a vigorous anti-clerical culture co-existing with an equally strong tendency to popular piety. The eventual outcomes are also alike – the top down imposition of a renewed religious culture, more defined, more ordered, with a strong emphasis on training and maintaining parish clergy.Dickens again takes a chronological approach to the subject. Perhaps this was not best advised. This book is two hundred pages in large print, richly illustrated, so maybe a third or less the length of his book on the English reformation, yet covers a longer time period and a larger geographic area. Reading I had the not entirely delightful sense that my ignorance was increasing - what one learns from books heightens the awareness of what you dont know. One of the points he raises is that the Counter Reformation can be considered the first world-wide cultural movement. The reader can appreciate that what is covered in these pages had an impact on people not just in Europe, but also in the Americas and in Asia, while at the same time the book doesnt have the space to develop the idea. On the other hand a thematic approach might have been less approachable to that mythical beast, the general reader. Sticking to the chronology is one way of trying to order the messy heaps of actual lives and their explosive interactions.A few themes present themselves, the rise (again?) of the Papacy, new religious orders, national or local traditions, and just to be balanced, the tensions between all three. All of these were apparent at the Council of Trent which eventually managed to define Catholicism for the next few hundred years down to Vatican I and II, turning its back decisively on clerical marriage, the laity taking communion in both kinds, church services in the vernacular, and several theological positions that suddenly appeared to be dangerously Protestant.If one was of an economical bent of mind one might nod sagely and attribute the new life in the Church to the benefits of competition. If not one might recall that centuries of division between the eastern and the western churches dont seem to have had a like effect, and taking a longer perspective heresy, renewal and reform were ongoing processes in the medieval church with often only a thin line between the heretic and the reformer. I was reminded of this reading here about the treatment of Ss Theresa of Avila (view spoiler)[depicted here as Danae receiving Zeus (hide spoiler)]
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