TXT The Buddy System by Michael Middlechurch download via pc without registering bookstore

TXT The Buddy System by Michael Middlechurch download via pc without registering bookstore

TXT The Buddy System by Michael Middlechurch download via pc without registering bookstore

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Book description
Cedric Jefferson, Allie Denard and Taylor Worthington didn’t know what to expect when they arrived in Washington. As pages working on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, they hoped to rub elbows with famous and powerful people, and be a part of a world other teenagers back home could only dream about. For a while, they wouldn’t be disappointed. Yet, a hidden world also awaited them that their young minds could not have envisioned – a vicious world of lawlessness and corruption they never expected to find on the Hill. Before any of them realized it, they would find themselves swallowed up in a universe from which they would be lucky to escape with their lives.
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