TXT The Art Of Slip-Stitch Knitting: Techniques, Stitches, Projects by Faina Goberstein eng access direct link portable download

TXT The Art Of Slip-Stitch Knitting: Techniques, Stitches, Projects by Faina Goberstein eng access direct link portable download

TXT The Art Of Slip-Stitch Knitting: Techniques, Stitches, Projects by Faina Goberstein eng access direct link portable download

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Book description

Book description
I know very little about slip stitch. Looking through this book I was impressed. there were a lot of stitch patterns and stitches I’ve never heard of before. Everything about this book was artistic and well designed. From the photography of the knitted items to the type face and layout of the text. The patterns themselves were awesome. Normally when I look through a book I tend to like some or most of the patterns. This book, I like all of them. Not only were they elegant, interesting, and unique, some of them were really pushing the boundaries of what you can do with stitch patterns and construction. This is definitely more of an advanced book. But if you’re looking for something new, exciting, stunning, and challenging, this is the book for you.
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