TXT The Armor of God: Standing Firm in Spiritual Warfare (The Bible Teachers Guide) by Gregory Brown (Goodreads Author) amazon review cheap view read

TXT The Armor of God: Standing Firm in Spiritual Warfare (The Bible Teachers Guide) by Gregory Brown (Goodreads Author) amazon review cheap view read

TXT The Armor of God: Standing Firm in Spiritual Warfare (The Bible Teachers Guide) by Gregory Brown (Goodreads Author) amazon

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Book description

Book description
In Ephesians 6:10-20, Paul talks about the spiritual war every Christian is engaged in. When a person accepts Christ as Savior, he crosses over from the realm of darkness into the realm of light. He enters a spiritual war that includes Satan, demons, and angels battling over the souls of men. Sadly, many Christians live without any real awareness of this battle, and are therefore losing it. Satan is real! He is an enemy of God and the church. He tempts, traps, deceives, and kills, and nobody is exempt from his wrath. How can we stand firm in spiritual warfare? Believers must know their enemy and his tactics (2 Cor 2:11) and be equipped with God’s armor. Let’s study this battle and our equipment for it with The Bible Teacher’s Guide. “Expositional, theological, and candidly practical! I highly recommend The Bible Teacher’s Guide for anyone seeking to better understand or teach God’s Word.” —Dr. Young–Gil Kim, Founding President of Handong Global University
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