TXT Studies in Hadith Methodology and Literature by Muhammad Mustafa Al-Azami epub via read reader mobile

TXT Studies in Hadith Methodology and Literature by Muhammad Mustafa Al-Azami epub via read reader mobile

TXT Studies in Hadith Methodology and Literature by Muhammad Mustafa Al-Azami epub via read reader mobile

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Book description
f theres anyone out there who want to only focus on the Quran, and disregard Hadith/Sunnah, then s/he is in fact contradict himself because the Quran mentioned a few times to follow and emulate what the Prophet thought. The hadith from books that we read have gone through numerous filtrations, scrutiny and check and balance. They have become a part of our life that link us to the Prophet and his companions. The book, albeit seems daunting at first, is actually presented in a light and easy manner for laymen like me to follow and appreciate the long history of hadith. Also, there are a few things worth highlighting here:-1) On the myth that hadith is only written after the 3rd century. 2) On the myth that the hadith that we read is only compiled after the 3rd generation. 3) On the misunderstanding of the command preventing to write other than the Quran.Unlike the Quran, Hadith is not protected from external impurities and hence will always be subjected to criticism and subjugation. It is up to the contemporary and thiqah scholars to determine these criticisms are correct or not. As for laymen, be careful when learning hadith. And be more extra careful when trying to quote hadith. Wallahualam.5/5
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