TXT Sterling Sunshine by Cheryl Dragon (Goodreads Author) ipad purchase pocket ebook book

TXT Sterling Sunshine by Cheryl Dragon (Goodreads Author) ipad purchase pocket ebook book

TXT Sterling Sunshine by Cheryl Dragon (Goodreads Author) ipad purchase pocket ebook book

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Book description
Gretchen isnt in Sterling to find men. At least she keeps telling herself that. She has a new job to do promoting local businesses. Still, she can’t resist hoping she’ll find the right group of hot men to really make her dreams come true. She already has her eye on a certain sexy trio, and when they fail to make the first move, she uses work to make a meeting happen. Alaska is definitely bringing out her bolder side.Tony and Ross are eager to date and seduce the voluptuous beauty but their third lover is a roaming pilot with notoriously bad timing. Do they count him in or out? Should they wait for him to show up or move on her? The attraction proves too hard to resist, but Matt turns up just in time to make it a foursome. It complicates the relationship but adds to the passion. Besides, love and lust arent practical.The deeper Gretchen gets into the lives of her three men, the more she knows they need to be shaken up and she’s just the woman to do it!
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