TXT Special Delivery (A Valentines Short Story) by Ginny Baird (Goodreads Author) read pdf on iphone

TXT Special Delivery (A Valentines Short Story) by Ginny Baird (Goodreads Author) read pdf on iphone

TXT Special Delivery (A Valentines Short Story) by Ginny Baird (Goodreads Author) read pdf on iphone

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Book description
SPECIAL DELIVERY (A Valentines Short Story) Sometimes gifts of the heart are the best gifts of all...All Amanda Holiday wants is for her husband to come home for Valentines Day. Shes expecting their first baby, but her husband Luke - a US Navy fighter pilot - is half the world away. So Amanda determines to get through her childbirth alone with the help of a trusted good friend. When a raging snowstorm hits, complications ensue. Will Amandas strength see her through? And can Luke stay out of harms way? It may all depend on the power of love to achieve a happy ending.SPECIAL DELIVERY (A Valentines Short Story)Amanda recalled the first time Luke winked at her, causing her knees to go weak. Theyd been stopping in the same coffee shop during one of his shore leaves and had happened to run into each other an uncanny number of times. One of those times, shed just cut her fairly long hair into a new style that was layered and fell just past her shoulders. Luke reached for his tall, nonfat latte and grinned. He had an asymmetrical smile that tilted up higher at one corner, causing Amandas heart to do a heady flip-flop.New do? he asked her.She nodded numbly, unable to find her tongue. When one spent ones mornings talking to small children, responding to open interest from a red-hot stranger didnt come naturally. She mumbled something barely intelligible like, Uh, um...yeah.He returned a thoughtful look before shooting her a wink. I like it.Then he was off and out the door, leaving Amandas pulse fluttering. It took the person behind her in line nudging her for her to realize the barista was staring at her from the other side of the counter, waiting on her order.Amanda was flustered beyond embarrassment. Sorry, she told the coffee server. I just lost track of...No worries, doll, the older woman said with a knowing look. Luke Holiday has that effect on everyone.Everyone? Amanda asked lamely. She couldnt help but feel disappointed. As inane as it seemed, shed somehow hoped the increasing attention Luke had paid her during their early morning run-ins was meant for her.Not everyone, the girl behind her insisted. Hes never noticed anybodys hair before.Later, Luke assured her it was true. He found her blonde tresses mesmerizing. And the way they played about her pretty face? Enticingly awesome. Hed also noticed her eyes. Hed never seen any so blue. And her hands--so fine and delicate. He could tell she was a compassionate person by the careful way shed cradled her coffee cup. Amanda accused him of laying it on thick, but hed simply chuckled in response swearing to goodness it was true. And precisely why hed gone back to the coffee shop at the same time the next morning in hopes of asking her out. He suggested meeting for coffee to start. It only seemed natural. They already had a regular place...
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