TXT Somebodys Luggage by Charles Dickens book text online view format

TXT Somebodys Luggage by Charles Dickens book text online view format

TXT Somebodys Luggage by Charles Dickens book text online view format

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Book description
Reprinted in its entirety for the first time since its original publication in 1862, Somebodys Luggage is a rediscovered gem from Dickenss later life.Stumbling upon some luggage that has been left behind in the hotel where he works, a waiter searches through it to identify its owner. He fails to discover this, but he does find, secreted away in different parts of the luggage, quite a number of stories. Impressed by their quality, he succeeds in getting them published, although the identity of their author remains a mystery until a visitor comes calling. Written with Dickenss characteristic wit and descriptive skill—and boasting contributions by eminent Victorian writers Wilkie Collins, Adelaide Anne Procter, and Elizabeth Gaskell—Somebodys Luggage is a wonderful composite of tales. Charles Dickens (1812–70) is one of England’s most important literary figures. His works enjoyed enormous success in his day and are still regarded as among the most popular and widely read classics of all time.
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