TXT Snow Sense: A Guide to Evaluating Snow Avalanche Hazard by Jill Fredston store iBooks epub prewiew free

TXT Snow Sense: A Guide to Evaluating Snow Avalanche Hazard by Jill Fredston store iBooks epub prewiew free

TXT Snow Sense: A Guide to Evaluating Snow Avalanche Hazard by Jill Fredston store iBooks epub prewiew free

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Book description
Avalanche accidents do not happen by accident; they happen for particular reasons. Snow Sense addresses the critical terrain, snowpack and weather variables that make it possible for a slope to avalanche along with the human factors that allow most accidents to happen. If you dont want to become an avalanche victim, read this book. Snow Sense is the best-selling avalanche safety book available. Intended for skiers, snowmachiners, snowboarders, climbers and others who work and play in avalanche country.
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