TXT Snakehead by Peter May (Goodreads Author) download mp3 fb2 iphone story

TXT Snakehead by Peter May (Goodreads Author) download mp3 fb2 iphone story

TXT Snakehead by Peter May (Goodreads Author) download mp3 fb2 iphone story

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Book description
The macabre discovery of a truck full of dead Chinese in southern Texas brings together again the American pathologist Margaret Campbell with Li Yan, the Beijing detective with whom she once shared a turbulent personal and professional relationship. Forced back into an uneasy partnership, they set out to identify the Snakehead who is behind the 100-million-dollar trade in illegal Chinese immigrants which led to the tragedy in Texas - only to discover that the victims were also unwitting carriers of a deadly cargo. Li and Margaret have a biological time-bomb of unimaginable proportions on their hands, and an indiscriminate killer who threatens the future of humankind.
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