TXT Slade by Kristen Middleton (Goodreads Author) reading look spanish via book

TXT Slade by Kristen Middleton (Goodreads Author) reading look spanish via book

TXT Slade by Kristen Middleton (Goodreads Author) reading look spanish via book

> READ BOOK > Slade



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Book description
This book will blow your mind! The vampire saga continues! Wow, I mean wow! This story is intriguing, witty, exciting, suspenseful and even a romance too. It has so many layers to it and so many things happening. The surprises keep coming, surrounded by lies and deceit. This book definitely kept me guessing. The ending... Lets just say , I was floored! I didnt even see it coming!!! What a shocker! This book is so good, that it is now 1 am and I read it straight thru in one day!The author(s) Kristen Middleton & K L Middleton did a freakingly fantastic job on this book! The plot is great. The story line is amazing. OMG, I am still reeling from the ending! The narrator, Meghan Kelly did a fantastic delivery of this story for us with a flawless and entertaining voices and accents. I really like the character Slade too! What a great book! The ending??? All I could think was no way!!!*** I received this audio book Slade by Kristen Middleton as a gift in exchange for a honest and unbiased review. ***
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