TXT Sgt. Frog, Vol. 1 by Mine Yoshizaki ebook flibusta book access epub

TXT Sgt. Frog, Vol. 1 by Mine Yoshizaki ebook flibusta book access epub

TXT Sgt. Frog, Vol. 1 by Mine Yoshizaki ebook flibusta book access epub

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Book description
Sergeant Keroro is the Captain of the Space Invasion Forces Special Advance Team of the 58th Planet of the Gamma Storm Cloud System, sent to the planet Pokopen (aka Earth) to collect intelligence for his planets invasion force. He is also a frog. After his ship crash-lands in the planet earth, he takes shelter in the Hinata household, but the two kids, Fuyuki and Natsume, find him and take away his alien weapons. When his people discover that the Pokopenians are aware of him, Keroro is abandoned - left to fend for himself in this hostile world. But hes not alone - four other pre-invasion agents were are also lurking on Earth. Its invasion of the weird in this wacky comedy hit!Close Encounters of the Green Kind! Sgt. Keroro, commanding officer of Planet Kerons invasion force, has a problem. After blowing his cover and losing his top-secret weapon, the frog-like alien has been cut off from his homeworld. To make matters worse, hes lost communications with the rest of his platoon. Now he has taken cover in the Hinata family household, where in exchange for doing his share of the chores, he gets his own room from which to secretly devise new plans for world domination!
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