TXT Scones, Muffins, and Tea Cakes: Breakfast Breads and Teatime Spreads by Heidi H. Cusick (Editor) pocket iphone book free get

TXT Scones, Muffins, and Tea Cakes: Breakfast Breads and Teatime Spreads by Heidi H. Cusick (Editor) pocket iphone book free get

TXT Scones, Muffins, and Tea Cakes: Breakfast Breads and Teatime Spreads by Heidi H. Cusick (Editor) pocket iphone book free get

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Book description
Delicious and comforting, scones, muffins, tea cakes, and biscuits make classy accompaniments at brunches, teas, luncheons and suppers. They also stand on their own at breakfast snack time.Scones, Muffins & Tea Cakes: Breakfast Breads and Teatime Spreads is an invitingly designed, photographed and priced collection of more than 54 recipes for quick breads and spreads. Many of the recipes and photographs have been chosen from the acclaimed Country Garden Cookbook series, the recipient of prestigious awards for food photography by Deborah Jones and Kathryn Kleinman. Also included; are newly developed recipes that take advantage~ of modern baking equipment such as mini-muffin and tops-only baking pans. Heidi haughy Cusick, the editor of Picnics, has selected a tantalizing assortment of recipes such as Banana and Butternut Squash Bread, Lemon Scones, and Spicy Green Onion Corn Muffins. Scones, Muffins & Tea Cakes also features entertaining tips and original occasion menus, such as Sunday Morning on the Veranda and A Victorian Christmas Tea, plus over 18 recipes for sweet and savory spreads including Lemon Curd, Cranberry and Nectarine jam, Herb Flower Butter, and traditional Clotted Cream.This definitive assemblage of recipes is lavishly photographed and illustrated to offer cooks not only luscious baking inspiration, but also dozens of versatile serving ideas as well.
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