TXT Scholastic News by Scholastic News pdf online free

TXT Scholastic News by Scholastic News pdf online free

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Book description
Scholastic News. (2004). Rhino’s Return. Jefferson City, MO: Scholastic Inc. Vol 61 No 5: October 11, 2004.Scholastic News. (2004). Robots on the Rise. Jefferson City, MO: Scholastic Inc. Vol 61 No 6: October 25, 2004.Themes: Science, social studies, animal endangerment and preservation, presidential elections and voting, ethics, reading comprehension, vocabulary, critical thinking, technology, environmentalismGenre: News Source for KidsSummary: Scholastic News is a weekly publication of news articles for kids. It targets current events in science and social science and draws ties to civics and citizenship. Rhino’s Return explores the potential extinction of the African rhino and the ways in which people stepped into bring hope for the species’ future. The main article is supplemented by a piece about how people are working to protect other endangered species. Rhino’s also previews the 2004 presidential election via interviews with President George W. Bush and candidate Senator John Kerry. Robots on the Rise investigates the iRobi, a robot built in Korea that can translate Korean words into English, take video surveillance of a house, photograph a dangerous area and transmit the photos to rescuers, and even more. That headliner is supplemented by blurbs about robots featured in past movies. The Robots issue also explores the clean up of the Thames River and the 118th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty. Both issues feature challenges focusing on syntax, grammar, and vocabulary, along with comprehension questions about the articles. Each issue also features a ‘test tip’ such as, “While taking a test, first rule out the answers that you know can’t be right.”Target Audience: 3rd-6th grade Curriculum Ties: Science, Social Studies, History, Environmentalism, Language ArtsPersonal response: Scholastic News is visually engaging and the articles are just long enough to deliver the necessary information without losing the students’ interest. The bright colors, photographs, clip art, and funky typeface draw the kids in, and the articles are just the right length and complexity for a 7-11 year old’s attention span. This periodical holds kids accountable for their reading by including comprehension questions on the back page. A trustworthy source for nonfiction articles that are grade-level appropriate and relevant to kids understanding the world they are growing up in.
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