TXT Sababa: Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Food by Nirit Saban online iBooks offline eng free

TXT Sababa: Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Food by Nirit Saban online iBooks offline eng free

TXT Sababa: Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Food by Nirit Saban online iBooks offline eng free

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Book description
Upon entering Cape Town’s Sababa restaurant, you step onto a blank canvas with a riot of color right at its center. This is the buffet, bright with salads, some stained pink with roast beetroot juice, others seasoned with freshly squeezed lemon or strewn with generous quantities of fresh herbs. Here food is a celebration. Sababa is all about uncomplicated and wholesome food with a Middle Eastern and Mediterranean influence. Food is prepared fresh daily in the Sababa kitchens by sisters Tal and Nirit, along with a group of dedicated and passionate chefs who love to cook and live food. Using local ingredients and fresh produce, Sababa is full of recipes that anybody can cook at home. Explore the taste of Sababa with this exquisite book.
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