TXT Reunited for the Holidays by Jillian Hart (Goodreads Author) value tablet bookstore online touch

TXT Reunited for the Holidays by Jillian Hart (Goodreads Author) value tablet bookstore online touch

TXT Reunited for the Holidays by Jillian Hart (Goodreads Author) value tablet bookstore online touch

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Book description
Twenty-five years ago, Dr. Brian Wallace and Belle Colby were married with two sets of twins—toddler boys and infant girls. Then the young family was torn apart. Each took a girl and boy and went their separate ways—never to see one another again. Brian is stunned to return home from a mission to find all the siblings reunited at their mothers Texas ranch. He has never forgotten Belle or how much he loved her. Will unanswered questions stand in the way of this family finding their long-awaited second chance?
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