TXT ReCAP by Danielle Pearl (Goodreads Author) purchase cheap free writer library

TXT ReCAP by Danielle Pearl (Goodreads Author) purchase cheap free writer library

TXT ReCAP by Danielle Pearl (Goodreads Author) purchase cheap free writer library




Book description

Book description
Librarians Note: this is an alternate cover edition for ASIN: B00QZESJTE.You already heard the story. The one of how Rory and I fell in love, supposedly, even if she couldnt handle it in the end. You know how it all went.Or you think you do.You only know her side. But I have my own point of view, and even Rory couldnt know my thoughts in those few months it took for her to go from being a stranger to my whole entire world.Every moment is permanently ingrained in my memory. In my goddamned soul. From the moment I stumbled upon the girl panicking outside of calculus - the one with the tight little body, the angelic face, and the fierce attitude - to the night she abandoned me in Miami. It was the sum of those moments that changed me irrevocably.Our story isnt over. I wont let it be. But this, this is what happened so far, the way I saw it.Im Cap. Or Sam, to Rory. And this is my story.
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