TXT Radio Freefall by Matthew Jarpe (Goodreads Author) page english kindle book doc

TXT Radio Freefall by Matthew Jarpe (Goodreads Author) page english kindle book doc

TXT Radio Freefall by Matthew Jarpe (Goodreads Author) page english kindle book doc

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Book description
In the tradition of Robert A. Heinleins The Moon is a Harsh Mistress but with a healthy dose of cyberpunk: Radio Freefall is about a plot to take over the Earth by power-mad, sociopathic computer-geek billionaire, Walter Cheeseman. Its up to a strange cast of rock stars and oddballs to stop him. Aqualung, a mysterious blues musician who also has superhuman tech skills, might be the catalyst for the resistance--or he might just be the pawn of artificial intelligences. To thwart the takeover, the orbitals and the moon colonies secede from Earth. And then something like the Singularity happens, but no one is quite sure. This is a novel of cyberpunk and rock and roll, of technology, artificial intelligence, and wild riffs off of Heinlein all mixed into an explosive debut. Matthew Jarpe launches his SF career with a bang!
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