TXT Philosophy of Gorakhnath: With Goraksha-Vacana-Sangraha by Akshaya Kumar Banerjea fb2 online free

TXT Philosophy of Gorakhnath: With Goraksha-Vacana-Sangraha by Akshaya Kumar Banerjea fb2 online free

TXT Philosophy of Gorakhnath: With Goraksha-Vacana-Sangraha by Akshaya Kumar Banerjea fb2 online free

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Book description
This volume contains the essence of the writings and teachings of Mahayogi Gorakhnath. It is well pointed out that while the ultimate object of search is the same for a Yogi and a philosopher, their modes of approach are different, the latter’s being intellectual and the former’s intuitive and spiritual. The task of a Yogi does not require any subtle intellectual speculation or the framing of hypotheses and theories. The quest of the Yogi is direct spiritual experience of truth on a high plane of consciousness. The highest state of Samadhi attained by the Yogi is neither purely subjective nor objective. It transcends both categories and it is really an integrated experience beyond formal description. Such a transcendent state of consciousness is alone called Samadhi.This book is an attempt to present a systematic and consistent account of the philosophical background of the spiritual culture associated with the names of Yogi Gorakhnath and other adepts of the Natha school. The account is mainly based on an original Sanskrit text of the school attributed to Gorakhnath, which is believed to be a faithful record of some of the traditional views of the school. The author has ably accomplished his self-imposed task which is difficult not only for the great depth of yogic wisdom implied in the teachings, but also for the great paucity of necessary materials.The author has said everything worth knowing for a beginner in regard to the philosophical outlook of Nathism. The ultimate reality- Brahman and Para-Samvit; the inter-relation of Siva and Sakti; the gradual unfoldment of the supreme Sakti and the origin of the universe consisting of an infinite series of world systems; the appearance of the individual souls and their relation to the cosmic Purusa; the supreme ideal of human life; the relation between macrocosm and microcosm; the universe as the body of the transcendent: these are some of the topics on which the learned author has tried to throw light. As Nathism represents a particular aspect of Hindu spiritual life, the writer has done well in dealing at some length with the ideal of Hindu spirituality in general.
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