TXT Perraults Fairy Tales - Folio Society Edition by Arthur Quiller-Couch view format ebook how download free

TXT Perraults Fairy Tales - Folio Society Edition by Arthur Quiller-Couch view format ebook how download free

TXT Perraults Fairy Tales - Folio Society Edition by Arthur Quiller-Couch view format ebook how download free

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Book description
The Prince followed, but could not catch her. Only she dropped one of her glass slippers, which he picked up and treasured - From CinderellaWhen Charles Perrault, a civil servant in Paris in the 17th century, heard his sons nurse recounting old French folk stories, he decided to write his own versions, thereby creating a new genre - the literary fairy tale. His legacy includes some of the most enduringly popular fairy tales - Cinderella, The Sleeping Beauty, Blue Beard - complemented here by the paintings of Edmund Dulac, one of the greatest artists of the Golden Age of book illustration.
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