TXT Paddling My Own Canoe by Audrey Sutherland amazon free ebook touch francais

TXT Paddling My Own Canoe by Audrey Sutherland amazon free ebook touch francais

TXT Paddling My Own Canoe by Audrey Sutherland amazon free ebook touch francais

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Book description
As an adventurer, I love to read books like this. More than that, though, this book describes a woman learning how to do what hasnt been done before; we couldnt duplicate her journey now, with the amazing technology at our disposal. Figuring out how to rig the equipment shed need from what she could find in the late 50s and early 60s was brilliant.The cultural, linguistic, and biological, and geographical aspects of the book made me feel as if I was there, and a little homesick as well (I live on Kauai, but am off-island). Maybe I loved this book because adventures like this arent possible here anymore, with so many more people, tour boats, helicopters, etc, and to find true solitude in the wilderness would be a blessing.
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