TXT Negotiate to Win: The 21 Rules for Successful Negotiating by Jim Thomas no registration prewiew reading read format

TXT Negotiate to Win: The 21 Rules for Successful Negotiating by Jim Thomas no registration prewiew reading read format

TXT Negotiate to Win: The 21 Rules for Successful Negotiating by Jim Thomas no registration prewiew reading read format

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Book description
Discover the PowerOf Better NegotiatingNegotiation is one skill everyone needs in order to get more of what they want -- to sell more, to keep costs down, to manage better, to strengthen relationships -- to win! Thomas shows you exactly how the best negotiators reach long-lasting positive solutions that build profits, performance, and relationships.This indispensable guide covers all youll ever need to know about negotiating, including:The 21 rules of successful negotiating -- and how to defend against them!Quickies -- specific tips on how to successfully negotiate with bosses, children, car dealers, contractors, auto mechanics, and many othersWhy Americans are among the worst negotiators on EarthHow to overcome your natural reluctance to bargainWhy win-win negotiating is so vitalHow to thoroughly prepare for your negotiationsHow to deal with counterparts who intimidate or harass youHow to negotiate ethically -- and deal with those who dontHow to negotiate more successfully across cultural linesThomass Truisms -- 50 memorable negotiating maxims The psychology of negotiating, historical illustrations, day-to-day applications, and much, much more!
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