TXT Magical Game Time: Vol. 1 by Zac Gorman fb2 ibooks

TXT Magical Game Time: Vol. 1 by Zac Gorman fb2 ibooks

TXT Magical Game Time: Vol. 1 by Zac Gorman fb2 ibooks

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Book description
A collection of some of Zac Gormans illustrations and comics homaging classic videogames. Some are half a page long and very few are more than 3 pages long. There is art about Zelda, Final Fantasy, the Mother series and many other games (some of them I cant even tell where from!).Magical Game Time is very very heartwarming and makes you very nostalgic, not just because its about the games you played years ago but also because its able to express the sensations you had when you were a child, how you saw the world and how you felt about yourself.Its noteworthy Zac Gormans ability to change between art styles and aesthetics, its really inspiring if you are an artist. I also am in love with the colors and palettes he uses. Youll love it if you like videogames.
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