TXT Madame Mirage, Volume 1 by Paul Dini phone eng ebay online itunes

TXT Madame Mirage, Volume 1 by Paul Dini phone eng ebay online itunes

TXT Madame Mirage, Volume 1 by Paul Dini phone eng ebay online itunes

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Book description
① I saw Karlys updates for Madame Mirage. ② I read Karlys review for Madame Mirage.③ I bought Madame Mirage without even reading the blurb.④ I received Madame Mirage.⑤ I skimmed through Madame Mirage. ⑥ I eyerolled myself to oblivion (whatever that means). ⑦ I put Madame Mirage away without reading it and abandoned it on a desolated bookshelf for 5 months.Why, you ask? Because this:Huge boobs + wasp waist+ big butt + skin-tight, revealing clothes = the typical, clichéd bimbo as drawn by a man, right? Well thats what I thought when I first saw what Madame Mirage looked like. I also thought hell no, assumed Id hate the comic, put it away and never bothered to read it. Damn. Im such a freaking idiot sometimes. But sometimes I also have short bouts of lucidity so I finally decided to pick this up the other day. I mean, Id paid €15 for it so I figured I might as well read it. IM SUCH A FREAKING IDIOT SOMETIMES. Why the hell didnt I read this sooner? Stupid, stupid, stupid, Sarah. Because you know what? This is pure awesomeness. And guess what? There is actually a reason why Madame Mirage looks the way she does. But I wont tell you about it. Because spoilers. Ha.To be honest I probably wouldnt have read this comic, had I bothered to read the blurb before buying it. Its your typical vigilante story involving super heroes, which Ive never been a fan of. Yes, I admit it: super heroes bore me to death {feel free to scream in total shock and utter dismay here}. Well guess what? Madame Mirage appears to be your average vigilante story, but its not. The premise (two sisters looking for revenge) sounds unexciting, but its not. The good super hero vs. bad super hero turned villain part of the plot sounds boring, but its not. This is a world where bioengineering enabled all humans to obtain super powers. It all got out of hands. The government banned the tech that made it all possible. Threw the good super heroes in jail. Now the evil super heroes have formed evil corporations. Enter the Temple sisters. Their objective? Killing all the bad guys, obviously. As for their motivation, well Im afraid youll have to read the comic to find out (view spoiler)[muhahahaha (hide spoiler)]
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