TXT Lookin For Luv by Carl Weber original free offline view ios

TXT Lookin For Luv by Carl Weber original free offline view ios

TXT Lookin For Luv by Carl Weber original free offline view ios

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Book description
The book begins a little slow, but once you get started and have all of the characters in order, its pretty good. I re-read this book for the second time and an understand better since Im a little older. I can see this book as one of those movies like The Wood, Baby Boy or even Why Did I Get Married. The story has so many surprises in it; once you think you have it all figured out, something else happens! I would recommend this to someone who just wants something not too serious (I even laughed aloud at many points). Also, remember it was written in the 90s so some of the language is dated, but many of the issues characters face are real and appicable to many people today. Overall, a few years down the line, when I forget the details, Id probably read it again.
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