TXT Llewellyns 2011 Magical Almanac: Practical Magic for Everyday Living by Llewellyn Publications (Publisher) how to get ios how read read

TXT Llewellyns 2011 Magical Almanac: Practical Magic for Everyday Living by Llewellyn Publications (Publisher) how to get ios how read read

TXT Llewellyns 2011 Magical Almanac: Practical Magic for Everyday Living by Llewellyn Publications (Publisher) how to get ios how

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Book description
Filled with practical spells, rituals, and ideas for invoking the power of the elements, Llewellyns 2011 Magical Almanac has been inspiring all levels of magical practitioners for over twenty years. With this collection of magical wisdom at hand, you can enhance every day of your life and deepen your craft with natures empowering energies.Get organized and keep track of important dates with a calendar section-now shaded for easier flip to reference-featuring world festivals and holidays, 2011 sabbats for both Northern and Southern hemispheres, and Full Moons. Youll also find the Moons sign and phase, plus each days color and incense to help you maximize the power of your magical work. This edition also includes enlightening articles, organized by element, on everything from keeping nature journals to ritual fire dancing. Achieve your goals with voice magic Interpret bird omens for wise counsel Express gratitude with a blessing bowl Connect with Irish faeries for protection, health, healing Published annually for over twenty years.
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