TXT Living in Style Without Losing Your Mind by Marco Pasanella portable book epub itunes amazon

TXT Living in Style Without Losing Your Mind by Marco Pasanella portable book epub itunes amazon

TXT Living in Style Without Losing Your Mind by Marco Pasanella portable book epub itunes amazon

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Pasanellas goal is to describe the tools you need to make a home stylish and livable. Combine this with some practical instruction, and you get a book that is unique among the books I have read about house and home.Part one an overview of concepts. The most important concept is gathering and retreat. Whether you live in a mansion or in a studio, in Boston or in Bali, there are only two types of rooms: those that bring us together (gathering places) and those that allow us to get away (retreats). Every house needs both gathering places and retreats to feel like a home. Individuality makes a home your own. Living in a Crate and Barrel magazine spread might be easy to purchase (and expensive), but your home will be lifeless. Individuality comes from personal passions and possessions. Your rooms should reflect your best self.Style is what separates the serviceable from the sublime. Style is a little bit daring. It reflects your tastes and fits your context. Have a green wall with pink curtains, but accept that you can never have marble floors in a country cottage. (Or shingles on McMansions, my current most hated residential architecture trend.)A stylish and livable home should be simple. I cannot say better than Pasanella that, The key is to understand that simple doesnt imply spartan. Rather, it means have what you need in order to make your house a home. No less. And no more. Simplicity focuses attention.Living rooms sometimes must act as offices and bedrooms are sometimes used for TV. Rooms serve multiple purposes. They should have the flexibility to serve these purposes. Acknowledge that you eat in the living room and make sure your plan has someplace to put the TV trays. Use furniture to give a room zones for different activities.Other senses are often neglected in home design. Whether it is the smell of apple pie, the feel of a leather couch, or bird song through the window, our senses affect how we experience a place. To please the other senses, you should eliminate unpleasant stimuli and add pleasant stimuli. Rather than being a burden, constraints may be what takes your home from good to great. Constraints force you to figure out what is really important and leave out the rest. Constrains may also be what gives your home that vital bit of individuality.Finally, you will make mistakes as you work to make your home perfect. To minimize the impact of mistakes, think ahead, keep the big picture in mind, be realistic, and be prudent.Part two gives tips on how to apply these concepts. First, figure out your priorities. Helpful questions are What do you have?, What works?, What doesnt work?, What do you want?.Next eliminate clutter. Throw stuff out, store it, find better ways to use the space you have. New things will not help if you already have too much. Commit to the priorities you established and get rid of things. When you do start to buy things, buy them sparingly. Look to build your rooms around a small number of strong elements.Find the heart of your home and the heart of each room. Natural lighting and architectural clues may indicate where the builder thought things should go. Realize that you may be able to find a heart in neglected areas such as halls, stairs, and outside. Once you have found the heart of each room, make it the focus. For gathering places, this may involve a circular arrangement of furniture around the heart. Bedrooms may focus on the restful bed. Dining rooms may focus on the intimate table.Light and color cannot be neglected. Natural lighting is best. But, as is very clear going into fall and winter, we cannot only use natural lighting. Artificial lighting should have many sources (a single source makes sharp shadows). Vary the brightness for interest (and never make it too bright or it will be harsh and cause glare). Lower placed, indirect illumination is more flattering. Finally, to make rooms flexible, lighting must be flexible.Be aware that most color in a room does not come from paint. Furniture, decorations, and appliances provide large amounts of color; if your home has natural materials, let them drive your use of color. Lighting also affects color. Southern rooms get warmer natural light than northern rooms. This difference can be evened or emphasized, but should not be ignored. Artificial lighting also affects colors.The details of good design often come from thinking small. Remove clutter. Add little bits of contrast and surprise. Surround yourself with objects you really enjoy. Group similar items to turn stuff into a collection. Give a glimpse rather than a full view. In the end, it is these details that distinguish your home, so you should put just as much thought into them as into your couchNow I just need to get around to applying all these ideas to my own home.
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