TXT Little Lost Cowboy by Simon Puttock (Goodreads Author) portable read story online shop

TXT Little Lost Cowboy by Simon Puttock (Goodreads Author) portable read story online shop

TXT Little Lost Cowboy by Simon Puttock (Goodreads Author) portable read story online shop

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Book description
The perfect cumulative tale read aloud that will have kids aroo-ing along as you read. Poor Little Lost Cowboy - hes lonesome and lost and howling at the moon - Arooo! The bold, bright illustrations are wonderful - the surprised/concerned expression on the full moons face as the little guy expresses his woe drew me right into the book. The moon, a snake, a bird, and other various critters suggest ways to find his way home which all result in less than desirable results. Sometimes you just have to sit tight and and Aroo! your loudest and Mommy will find you. This delightful picture book will be a staple on my book shelf to share with grandkids and any other litle ones who will Aroo! along with me.
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