TXT Letters From Medea by Salma Deera (Goodreads Author) read txt how download audio prewiew

TXT Letters From Medea by Salma Deera (Goodreads Author) read txt how download audio prewiew

TXT Letters From Medea by Salma Deera (Goodreads Author) read txt how download audio prewiew

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Es bastante raro !Hubo algunas partes que me confundieron demasiado, pero cabe destacar que tiene muchas citas que me agradaron Aquí les dejo algunas:-Because you’ve never known misery. you’ve never wanted to rip the heart right out of you–or tear the skin off your back and swallow it down. in your dream, you are jealous of tragedies. and the truth is, we all want our own tragedy, because life is pale without it. we want the teeth, the screaming, the survival that comes with it.-I am writing to you from a place that burns, with a body that has loved you too much.-You will realise nobody actually wants a savage girl. ferocious girl.“devils may enter.” because they are the only ones who will love this feral side of you.-You smell like copper. a pretend poem. the penny left at the back of the bus. golden red. blood bitten tongue.-You are a faulty alarm going off every three minutes screaming “i love someone”.-‘Tell me some facts about yourself,’ he asks. ‘sure,’ she says. she knows he doesn’t really want to know about her. not mentally, anyway.-I love a boy who kisses me so solid i can’t stand up after. i’m not going to wait. i’m going to descend into him the first chance i get.-Darling, i don’t want you to love me. i want you to be terrified.-‘Do you love me?’ you whisper. ‘how dare you ask me that?’ i reply.-We both know i’ve been yours for the longest time. it isn’t right that humans can cause this hell.-Nobody wants a girl who wears death like perfume or has blood on her breath. run from those who claim they do. danger has never been splendor.
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