TXT Lady Sings the Blues by Billie Holiday free cheap book tablet value

TXT Lady Sings the Blues by Billie Holiday free cheap book tablet value

TXT Lady Sings the Blues by Billie Holiday free cheap book tablet value

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Book description
This book is great, regardless of the ghost writing and the liberties with the truth. I read it years ago but have been listening to Lady Day all evening.Plus it gives me the chance to post this performance again which, as I have said before, is the greatest musical performance I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. Not only from Billie, of course, but good god that is a line up - Young, Webster, Hawkins etc etc etc - just perfection and completely heartbreakingly beautiful.So if you have never watched this, get your headphones on and prepare to fall in love https://youtu.be/Jf0ldEBBJhY
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