TXT Knowing Curves by Nix Winter (Goodreads Author) value pdf full mp3 book

TXT Knowing Curves by Nix Winter (Goodreads Author) value pdf full mp3 book

TXT Knowing Curves by Nix Winter (Goodreads Author) value pdf full mp3 book

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Book description
Its not a long story this, but in it Nix Winter introduces a character who quite simply blew me away. I have a longstanding fascination with courtesans, which maybe helped.Tosh is an extraordinarily beautiful male who sells his services at a very high price, giving clients what they need. From a certain perspective, hes just a very expensive and classy sort of whore. However, Nix has created the most generous, empathic and breathtaking character. Tosh gives and serves, he seems to reach into the soul of Cade - the other man in this story - to touch his pain and release it.The story took my breath away, and I am quite honestly in love with the main character. Hes the perfect fantasy of what we all need - the tolerant, patient lover full of compassion and understanding. The one who knows what we need without having to be told. The one who understands us, holds us, keeps us safe. Hes the dream, the fantasy, and he made me think a lot about what I might need from such a character.Nix writes so beautifully about love, healing, passion and sex. If your heart is heavy, her stories will help you feel better. They always work for me.
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