TXT Jonathan Edwards on Heaven and Hell by Owen Strachan epub online free

TXT Jonathan Edwards on Heaven and Hell by Owen Strachan epub online free

TXT Jonathan Edwards on Heaven and Hell by Owen Strachan epub online free

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Book description
The question of the afterlife is, for many today, one of preference. Christians trained to evangelize unsaved people with the query, “If you were to die today, do you know where you would go--heaven or hell?” have grown befuddled when met with the response, “I don’t believe in heaven or hell.” Something in our culture has changed. The ground has shifted beneath our feet. We did not feel it. But change has come, just the same.We must reacquaint modern Christians with the eschatologically driven preaching and teaching of Edwards. This word “eschatological” may trip some readers up at first encounter, but it refers simply to “last things”, things of eternity and ultimate significance. We exhume Edwards scripturally fired material on the reality of the afterlife, the terror of hell, the glories of heaven, and the shape life must take in light of these realities.If we accept the Word as our authority, and if we will allow Edwards to serve as our faithful and imaginative guide, we will find that God is alive. He is Lord of heaven and earth, the sovereign ruler of all Creation. He is not small. He can be found. He is not silent on the afterlife, and His testimony calls for our attention, our concern, and our whole-hearted worship and trust.Easily accessible and readable, you do not need to be a scholar to enjoy these insights about Jonathan Edwards and his writings.
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