TXT John Donne - The Major Works: Including Songs and Sonnets and Sermons by John Donne read fb2 on ipad

TXT John Donne - The Major Works: Including Songs and Sonnets and Sermons by John Donne read fb2 on ipad

TXT John Donne - The Major Works: Including Songs and Sonnets and Sermons by John Donne read fb2 on ipad

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Book description

Book description
John Donne (1572-1631) is perhaps the most important poet of the seventeenth century, and has often been referred to as the founder of the metaphysical genre. His poetry is highly distinctive and individual, adopting a multitude of tones, images, forms, and personae. This collection of Donnes verse includes a wide selection from both his secular and divine poems, including such well-known poems as Air and Angels, The Flea, the Holy Sonnets, and The Progress of the Soul. The poems are provided with full Notes and a useful Introduction to Donnes life and poetry.
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