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TXT Jim Hensons Storyteller by Anthony Minghella tablet spanish without registering free txt

TXT Jim Hensons Storyteller by Anthony Minghella tablet spanish without registering free txt

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Book description
These nine delightfully illustrated stories, based on Hensons Emmy Award-winning television series, are fairy tales and folk tales beautifully told by Academy Award-winning director Anthony Minghella. They deal with the universal themes of folk literature: fear and need; folly, greed, and enchantment; courage and generosity. They are about princesses and giants, about a soldier and a brave young boy (half-hedgehog and half-human), and about a storyteller terrified that he will run out of tales. Infused with the spellbinding Henson magic, these tales, treasured by generation after generation in the Old World, come to us now with a new radiance.
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