TXT In His Garden: The Anatomy of a Murderer by Leo Damore reader read page writer djvu

TXT In His Garden: The Anatomy of a Murderer by Leo Damore reader read page writer djvu

TXT In His Garden: The Anatomy of a Murderer by Leo Damore reader read page writer djvu

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Book description
East of Hyannisport lie some of Cape Cods most romantic seaside towns. But for four especially pretty, outgoing young women, a dream vacation turned into a nightmare of sexual torture, dismemberment, and death.Investigative reporter Leo Damore has written a gripping and suspenseful account of these murders that reads like outstanding fiction. Here is the whole terrifying true story of the search for the missing girls, the clues that implicated one good-looking young man in every disappearance ... and all that happened in the secret bloodcurdling place that a serial killer called his garden.
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