TXT If I Could by Donna Hill (Goodreads Author) full reader read tom author

TXT If I Could by Donna Hill (Goodreads Author) full reader read tom author

TXT If I Could by Donna Hill (Goodreads Author) full reader read tom author

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This book was a very positive story about 3 black women who met in college. I liked this book because it wasnt a sex crazed, man-bashing, or brash book. The people in this book are successful and want to lead successful lives all while harboring some demons that they need to expunge. I like stories that show black women in a way thats not stereo typical. There arent any deadbeat baby daddies or irate, head shaking, curler wearing stereo types. Yet there are still true issues that many of us face being black women that either make us or break us. There were many layers to the women in this story and I could see myself or other women like me having some of the issues they had. The only problem I had with this novel was that the end was too wrapped up. Overall, it was a great story and would enjoy reading more books by this author.
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